September 8, 2015

The Art of Moving On

Contributed by: MC V.
Success in Moving On
The first time I fell for someone, I felt an unexplainable feeling. It was so mysterious and incomprehensible that until now, I still cannot define it. As they say, “Love is a rosary that’s full of mysteries.”
It is a mystery, for no one can define the future, and love comes with it the promise of a future. We never know what will happen today, later or tomorrow. In most cases, the next thing you know is that you are being separated from your partner. Yesterday, the two of you would be so damn sweet and today it would feel like you don’t even recognize each other anymore. As what the trending and unbeatable saying in social media goes, “#WalangForever”.
I tell you from experience, in love it is normal to be hurt, to be lost and to be left out by someone who is worth everything to you. Sometimes, it may feel like you are questioning your worth or that you ask yourself where you went wrong when you felt like giving everything for that person. I’m here to tell you: DON’T BE!
Because someday, you’ll find someone who is a hundred times better than him/her, someone who’s worth the hurt, pain, and someone that’s truly worth fighting for. For those that are in this kind of situation right now reading this, be strong, appreciate everything that is happening in your life, because everything happens for a reason. Always thank God for whatever circumstances He is throwing towards you because it only means that He knows you are strong enough to face every battle in life. When bucket of tears fall from your eyes, just smile instead and move on. Because moving on doesn’t mean you are weak, it simply mean you are strong enough to face tomorrow with someone who you can see and spend “forever” with.

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